
Created with Sketch. released

This is release of RaspberryMatic which is a major enhancement release including several bugfixes as well: Changes: updated OCCU firmware to 3.41.11-2 coming with the following major changes: updated ReGaHss logic engine R1.00.0388.0203 (Nov 14 2018) with the following changes: applied changes to raise the limit for the maximum number of ISE objects from…
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This is release of RaspberryMatic which is a bugfixing and minor enhancement release: Changes: updated OCCU firmware to 3.37.8-4 incorporating the following changes: updated ReGaHss logic engine R1.00.0388.0130 (Oct 14 2018) with the following changes: fixed bug in State() call on HSSdp objects which always returned false (#367). implemented SortByName() for IseIdArray type which…
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This is release of RaspberryMatic which is mainly a bugfixing release with some minor enhancements. Changes: fixed broken device settings page which was just displaying an empty page (#408). fixed compatibility of WebUI to IE11 and older iOS 9 Safari browser engines. significant speed up in device status display (RSSI, UNREACH, etc.) in device…
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